Me, Myself, and My Sanity

Navigating your mental health can seem like a maze with no end, however tricky it may look it is equally rewarding. Here are a few ways to take care of what little sanity you have left:

  1. 1. Journalling
  2. Sometimes your mind can seem like an episode of hoarders, filled with so many thoughts it’s hard to keep track. Good ‘ol pen and paper are here to help you organize these thoughts better than Marie Kondo ever could.

  3. 2. Digital Detox
  4. Sure, who doesn’t love a good Netflix binge, but when you’re constantly surrounded by screens sometimes the best way to relax is by putting them away. This can be as short as an hour, and trust me your eyes will thank you too.

  5. 2. Be (Anti)Social
  6. For some, unwinding is curling up with a good book at home. For others it is winding up with some friends in a club. For most, it’s a balance between the two. Don’t be ashamed of cancelling plans for the sake of your sanity; however, if you are in desperate need of a girl’s night let yourself.